South Australia's ONLY Dedicated Dry Eye Clinic
For appointments and enquiries, telephone: (08) 7225 9798
Information for Referrers
We are very happy to receive referrals from fellow Optometrists, Ophthalmologists, General Medical Practitioners, other medical specialists and health practitioners to help them care for their patients.
We established Alleve Eye Clinic with the intention of co-managing patients with their own eye care practitioner, with no provision of routine refraction, dispensing or other optometric care that is not relevant to ocular surface/lid disease.
We are happy to investigate and manage your dry eye cases, but are also happy to conduct Keratograph or TearLab testing, etc as technicians, where you use the information to help you manage your patients yourself.
A referral letter or form would be appreciated of course. We will keep you and the patient's GP and other health practitioners informed of results and treatments.
Schedule of Fees