South Australia's ONLY Dedicated Dry Eye Clinic
For appointments and enquiries, telephone: (08) 7225 9798
Alleve Eye Clinic is a here to help you have improved comfort and quality of life by diagnosing, treating and managing your Dry Eye, Blepharitis and Ocular Surface Disease.
Our professional Optometrists have advanced diagnostic and treatment technology and years of experience to provide you with both a diagnosis for the cause of your symptoms, and treatment and management plans to cure or manage your condition and symptoms.

Advanced assessment of tear film quality (tear break up time and meniscus height) and osmolarity and meibomian gland function with meibography using the latest Keratograph and Tearlab
Treatment of Meibomian gland dysfunction with regular heat compresses and in-rooms lid expression
Treatment of anterior and posterior blepharitis including antibiotics and lids scrubs from common bacterial causes and the Blephadex in-rooms and at home treatment system for demodex mites
Meibomian gland massage and stimulation to improve oil secretions for slower evaporation and better tear stability
Appropriate artificial tear program that indivdually targets the tear film problems
Therapeutically endorsed to prescribe topical anti-inflammatory steroids and cyclosporing (eg Ikervis, Restasis, Cequa)
IPL (intensed pulsed light therapy) for treatment of Meibomian gland inflammation and dysfunction
Blue light and Red light therapy to stimulate healing and improve tear component production
Blephasteam moist heat therapy to improve oil gland functionality
Tear osmolarity monitoring to monitor treatment success
Punctal plugs to reduce the rate of tear drainage
Blink training for better comfort during reading and computer use
Nutritional counselling (e.g Omega 3 supplementation including vegetarian options)
Scleral lenses, dry eye compatible disposable contact lenses, and bandage contact lenses
Schirmer testing for tear volume
Take the Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) TEST to see if you have symptoms of dry eye then call us to discuss your results.
Our Fee Structure
We are proud to continue to offer the people of South Australia (and beyond!) dedicated, personalised understanding and successful management of their dry eye symptoms. Since opening the clinic in 2016, our skills, knowledge, experience, reputation and patient base has grown. Our primary aim is to give you back your quality of life that dry eye can take away from you. Our secondary aim is to stop the progressive, inflammatory nature of dry eye and prevent permanent loss or changes to the eyes, eyelids and oil glands and your symptoms from getting worse.
Dry Eye is a chronic condition with multiple causes and it takes time and effort to treat the causes and to allow the eyes to get back to a normal state. In most cases, it is a process, not a quick fix. But with the right diagnosis, treatment and management plan, we will strive together with you to improve your comfort and quality of life.
Your First Visit as a New Patient
40-60 Minutes duration: $299.00
In this visit, we get to know you and your eyes so that we understand why you have dry eye, how long you actually have had it, what your triggers are and any limitations you have to do treatments so we can manage your dry eye in the best way.
We will formulate a specific and individualised treatment plan for you and your eyes, and we might even have time to start some in-office therapy.
We will have quite a detailed discussion and fact-find with you to obtain a comprehensive history of your dry eye and ocular symptoms, learn about your general health, medical conditions and medications, your environment at work and home, and your activities. Dry eye is often related or made worse by things you might not have even considered, so this history-taking is very important.
We will examine and assess your eye surface in a detailed way. We will look at several important things, including your tear volume and quality, your lid margin health, your blinking habits and eyelid positions. We will look for signs of infection, infestation and inflammation, and look at the quality and quantity of your tear oil secretions and the health of the glands responsible for the oil.
Using your history and our examination findings we will diagnose the type of dry eye you have.
From here we discuss our findings with you and formulate a specific and individualised treatment plan for you and your eyes that is compatible with your time, resources and motivation.
Second Visit - Follow up, Documentation and Fine-tuning
40 Minutes duration: $249.00
This visit will be 2-3 weeks later. We will see how your at-home therapy is going, answer any questions you might have and take some more in-depth measurements of certain signs of dry eye and ocular surface conditions. We'll fine-tune management and communicate back to your eye health and GP if necessary about your condition and treatment plan.
Using our specialised Jenvis-Pro testing equipment we will objectively measure tear quality, blink rate and function, eye/lid redness, tear production, and oil gland function (meibography) – this is necessary for a more comprehensive diagnosis, assessing the severity of your dry eye and set expectations for management, and give us baseline readings to track success.
We will examine and assess your eye surface in a detailed way. We will look at several important things, including your tear volume and quality, your lid margin health, your blinking habits and eyelid positions. We will look for signs of infection, infestation and inflammation, and look at the quantity and quality of your tear oil secretions and the health of the glands responsible for the oil.
In-office treatment will continue where appropriate.
We will make further recommendations and adjustments to the management and treatment plan to get you on track towards success.
Third Visit - Follow up
40 Minutes duration: $149.00
This visit will be 3-4 weeks later. We will discuss your improvements to your symptoms, make sure you are able to manage the at-home management, and assess your eyes for clinical changes to see how your condition is progressing. At this visit, we will be able to determine if other types of treatments are indicated to speed things along.
If you are not responding as well as you or we would like, we may discuss and recommend the initiation of further treatment options. These may include Low Level Light Therapy, IPL (Intense Pulsed Light Therapy), insertion of punctal plugs, tetracycline therapy, topical ciclosporin or topical anti-inflammatory steroids
In-office treatment will continue where appropriate.
We may make further recommendations and adjustments to the management and treatment plan to get you on track towards success.
If needed, we will continue the written communication with your health care professionals about your condition, especially if they might be able to help.
Subsequent Visits - Follow up
20 Minutes duration: $85.00
These visits will be will be completely based on your eyes' needs or changes. As dry eye is a chronic condition, it does require review and maintenance, and typically this includes in-rooms heat and oil gland expression sessions ($10) with a progress consultation perhaps 1-3 times a year.
Repeating tests for comparison is important, particularly Jenvis-Pro and meibography (imaging the oil glands - $75) every 6-12 months as this is the best indicator that we have stopped your dry eye from getting worse and causing more damage.
We will review your management plan including tear supplements, prescription medications, etc.
Rebates and Other Information
Medicare rebates are available for all visit fees.
Medicare rebates are not available for treatments and diagnostics. In some instances, private health cover may offer rebates.
Pensioners, DVA card holders and full time students are offered a 10% discount off our fees.
Our lovely front of house staff are happy to answer any questions you may have about the fees and processes at the time of booking your appointment.